I found so many ideas online, you can see it all here and more on my Pinterest board called "cute as a button" which I made just for this post :)
- Button sweets
- Some games
- Party favors
Button cookies! So easy to make!
Decorated cookies:
Links: iheartpears, Bakeat350, Bubbleandsweet, Sweetlyf, Dropdeadkawaii
Button cupcakes!
Links: Lefrufrublog, Bakehappy, Michaels, Thecupcakeblog , Gastrogirl, Cakecentral
Basically, any baby shower game would be great - and even better when you add some buttons in to it :) here are some sources for regular shower games, and some ideas for button themed games:
Basically, any baby shower game would be great - and even better when you add some buttons in to it :) here are some sources for regular shower games, and some ideas for button themed games:
Guess how many buttons in the jar, the winner gets a pretty gift! Fill a jar with old buttons of all sizes, put little notes next to it, during the party everyone can guess and the winner will be announced at the end. Simple and cute.
Lotto-button Diy
Scratch off on the back of button cards the guests receive. When they scratch the card they find cute prizes, or "truth or dare" style assignments :) You can make it yourself using one of these great tutorials :
Use a large paper punch to make the cards.
Diy scratch off card 1 Diy scratch off card 2 and one more
Baby shower game ideas: Baby shower 101 The bump Beau coup
You can choose to have an activity as well- Make beautiful button crafts such as
Fabric earrings, Vintage button earrings, hair accessories or sawing.
I found some great tutorials on button creations, the materials are not hard to find and the results are personal and lovely and i think any girl would like to have a cute button hair piece or jeweler.
Party favors My favorite part!
Endless possibilities here.. DIY or buy them ready, or buy little gifts and make cute button packaging..
Our button soaps- we first made them as vintage soaps, or soaps for kids but as it turns out a lot of our customers buy the buttons for "Cute as a button" baby shower favors, that is also what inspired this post.
To purchase cute as a button baby shower favors click here
The button soap is the first soap I designed, and made the mold for. Later on Erez upgraded the design to what it is today- almost 3D button, very round and chubby, very cute!
For baby showers we make them in pastel colors, and pleasant scents. The best Sellers are blue and pink obviously , blue with ocean scent and pink with strawberry scent.
We shrink wrap each button and that allows you to place them in any type of package you like. Here are some ideas, and printable tags I usually Email anyone who buys our buttons.
Button favor packaging:
Glue some button on the bag
Stamp buttons on paper or muslin bag
Make button tags
Wrap a matchbox with a beautiful paper and glue a big button on top
Use custom tags with clear cello bags
Les Petites Présents Thoughtful Day Cobblestone rue
Make Bobby pins for your guests - glue a big button on a pin and a round piece of felt on the back.
Tutorial+ where to buy materials on the Poofy Cheeks blog
5 min tutorial at One crafty mumma blog

Presentation! Picture from Martha Stewart

Diy vintage earrings at Say yes to Hoboken (i love this blog!)

Diy button bling special at Scraphacker.com
I pin lots of cute ideas to my "Cute as a button" board, take a look and feel free to comment and offer more ideas!
♥ Mazzi
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